Forensic Accounting and Litigation Support
Assisting Clients Through Complex Situations

By employing proven strategies, transparent communication and hands-on partner involvement, we ensure a thorough analysis of your situation and provide strategic plans to help businesses and individuals move forward.

Understanding the Current Situation

Before we begin our engagement, we meet with you or your legal counsel to discuss the current situation and any relevant information, with the goal of tailoring our analysis to your specific needs.

Financial Analysis

We gather data relevant to the matter and assess the financial circumstances of the situation.

Address Specific Needs

We’re more than financial advisors — we’re trusted partners who are experts in dealing with complex situations. This allows us to provide in-depth guidance for you or your business.

Making More Possible

Let us support your needs with our financial expertise. We can evaluate the situation to help you determine what happened and develop tailored financial analyses that attest to the economic and operational effects of the situation that negatively impacted your business.

The Moore Colson Forensic Accounting and Litigation Support Team

Get to know the experts ready to act as a trusted partner through your situation. This team is built to help with a broad range of industry services in forensic accounting and litigation support.

Connect with our Forensic Accounting and Litigation Support Experts

It’s time to up your expectations. Get in touch today to see how Moore Colson can help.

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