College Recruiting

Ready to start your career journey? Our Summer Leadership Program, spring and summer internships, and Associate positions are designed for current students and recent graduates. Learn foundational accounting skills and take advantage of our non-book-of-business model to gain experience across a variety of industries and practices and set yourself up for career success.

Direction Summer Leadership Program

Direction is Moore Colson’s Summer Leadership Program, which allows students to learn about the public accounting profession and provides a unique glimpse into our firm’s culture. This innovative program includes career development, firm education, networking and team-building events to help today’s students become tomorrow’s public accounting leaders.


Spring and Summer Internships

An internship with Moore Colson provides current students with real and meaningful work experience in public accounting. Our firm’s non-book-of-business model allows interns to work with different firm leaders across multiple service areas and industries.

Associate Positions

Associate positions at Moore Colson allow recent graduates to serve clients within our Tax, Assurance and Advisory Service Areas.


Student Night & Spring Internships

Student Night shares a little about our firm with high school juniors, seniors and college students, while internships provide current college students with tangible work experience.


On-Campus Visits

Moore Colson professionals visit campuses to interact with students and talk to them about our internships and full-time positions.


Direction Applications Due

Moore Colson’s Direction Summer Leadership program is open to all college students considering a career in public accounting.


Direction Invites Sent

In April, Moore Colson sends acceptance letters to those students invited to that year’s Direction Summer Leadership Program.


Direction Summer Leadership Program

Moore Colson’s Direction Summer Leadership Program allows students to meet our partners, hear from clients, participate in interactive sessions and network with other students.


Summer Internships Begin

Moore Colson internships provide current students with tangible and meaningful work experience in public accounting.


On-Campus Schedule Announced

We finalize our on-campus recruiting schedule in July. Email to find out when we will be on your campus!


On-Campus Visits

Moore Colson professionals visit campuses to interact with students and talk to them about our internships and full-time positions.


Career Fairs and On-Campus Interviews

Moore Colson professionals attend career fairs to discuss the career paths available at our firm with students.


Open House

Moore Colson invites students to attend an Open House at our firm to tour our office and meet some of their future team members.


BAP and Tabling Events

Moore Colson professionals speak to Beta Alpha Psi chapters on how our firm applies concepts their members are learning to real-world business challenges.


Direction Application Opens

Rising sophomores, juniors, seniors and new graduates who are Accounting or MIS majors can begin to apply for Direction, Moore Colson’s Summer Leadership Program.