Moore Colson Partner Candace Jackson Appointed to Board of Directors for the Pension Education Council of Atlanta
March 23, 2021
Atlanta, Georgia
Moore Colson, an award-winning accounting, consulting, and advisory firm in Atlanta, announced partner Candace Jackson, CPA, has joined the board of directors for the Pension Education Council of Atlanta (PECA), an association for retirement plan professionals. PECA provides high-quality continuing education and networking opportunities for all types of professionals, newer entrants into the industry and benefits specialists working for plan sponsors, all of whom work with retirement plans.
On January 1, 2021, PECA named the new members of its board of directors. Jackson is beginning her two-year term on the board by way of her service as marketing chair.
Jackson started her career with Moore Colson 14 years ago. She has held several roles within the firm, advancing with successive promotions from associate to a business assurance director role in 2018 and a partner role in 2021. During her time at Moore Colson, Jackson has gained over 13 years of experience with employee benefit plans, serving both public and private company plans to ensure compliance with reporting requirements and advise on plan operations. Jackson serves as the practice leader in Moore Colson’s Employee Benefit Plan practice. She assists in executing approximately 60 employee benefit plan audits each year, providing guidance to clients on 401(k), 403(b), pension, ESOP, and health and welfare plans.
Jackson holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Accounting from Berry College. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Women in Pensions Network and the Atlanta Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management.
“I am honored to join PECA’s board,” noted Jackson. “After participating as a member of the association, I was impressed with the level of education provided to retirement plan professionals within the Atlanta community as well as the opportunity provided to partner with other professionals to elevate client service and oversight. I look forward to continuing my involvement by working alongside my fellow board members to deliver on PECA’s mission.”
About Moore Colson:
Moore Colson is the business advisor of choice for any company seeking thoughtful financial and strategic guidance. That’s why since 1981, family-owned businesses and Fortune 500 corporations alike have trusted us with their accounting and consulting needs. And unlike most firms, we use a true partnership model, which means every client has access to our entire team of experts. A nationally-recognized firm, Atlanta-based Moore Colson has the experience and personal touch to shape your future and help your company grow. Learn more at MooreColson.com.
About PECA
PECA (Pension Education Council of Atlanta) was established by a committee that includes some of the most tenured and esteemed retirement plan professionals in the Atlanta area. PECA is committed to providing high-quality continuing education and networking opportunities for all types of professionals, newer entrants into the industry and benefits specialists working for plan sponsors, all of whom work with retirement plans. For more information about PECA, please visit pecatl.org.
For more information, please contact:
Brunella C. Reid
Director of Marketing