VIDEO: Service Day – Habitat for Humanity

On August 12, 2021, Moore Colson held a service day at Habitat for Humanity as our team members painted the interior and exterior of a home for Rachel Coates and her two children.
watch the video >

Wes Scott, CIRA

Welcome Wes Scott!

We are thrilled to announce that Wes Scott, CIRA, has joined Moore Colson as a Director in our Consulting Practice. Wes brings over 18 years of experience working in restructuring and bankruptcy.

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IRS Weather Related Relief

Breaking Down IRS Relief for Weather-Related Disasters

If you’ve recently experienced a weather-related disaster, you may qualify for a federal income tax deduction. read more >

The Advantages of an Asset-Based Lending Structure for Both Borrowers and Lenders

During times of economic challenge, an asset-based lending structure can prove helpfulread more >

Asset Based Lending
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Tax Reform Draft Released: Explore Key Provisions for Individuals and Businesses

On September 13, 2021, the U.S. House and Ways Committee released the initial draft of the tax reform provisionsread more >

SBA Increases EIDL Loan Cap from $500,000 to $2 Million

On September 9, 2021, the SBA announced important changes to the COVID-19 EIDL program. 
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PPP Loan Necessity Questionnaire

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