Moore Colson Named Large Firm Winner for the Eighth Consecutive Year in the Georgia Accounting Food Fight
Atlanta, Georgia
The Atlanta Community Food Bank recently announced that Moore Colson, an award-winning accounting, consulting and advisory firm in Atlanta, won the Large Firms category in the ninth annual Georgia Accounting Food Fight. The two-week competition, sponsored by The Georgia Society of CPAs (GSCPA) and Feeding Georgia, brings together accounting professionals across Georgia to raise funds for the state’s eight regional food banks. According to GSCPA and Feeding Georgia, the Georgia Accounting Food Fight has raised a record-breaking $372,900, equivalent to 1,491,631 meals for the Food Bank in 2022, representing a seven percent increase over last year’s results. Since the first Food Fight in 2014, accounting professionals have raised $1,812,000, equivalent to 7,248,000 meals.
During the friendly two-week competition, accounting professionals statewide competed to earn points by raising funds for Feeding Georgia. The Food Fight also helped Georgia’s food banks respond to the increasing need for food assistance since pandemic assistance programs are waning and inflation is rising. According to Feeding Georgia, competitors included teams from over 70 accounting firms and industry accounting departments. Feeding Georgia presented awards to accounting professionals in several categories, including Big Four, Large Firm, Medium Firm, Small Firm, Sole Proprietor, Industry Accounting Department, Grand Prize Food Fight Hero and Grand Prize Hunger Champion.
Moore Colson raised $39,617 for the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB), ranking Moore Colson number one in Georgia in the Large Firms category for Total Points and Points per Employee. This year is the firm’s eighth consecutive win in the Large Firms category.
“At Moore Colson, we take great pride in helping our local communities succeed. Putting an end to food insecurity is a critical way to help individuals in our communities focus on their families, health, work and education without worrying about their next meal,” noted Todd McMullen, Moore Colson partner and Atlanta Community Food Bank board member. “Since the first Food Fight, our firm has been an industry leader in supporting those across the state struggling with hunger. We are honored that the 2022 Large Firm category win has again recognized our team members’ generosity.”
About Moore Colson:
Moore Colson is the business advisor of choice for any company seeking thoughtful financial and strategic guidance. That’s why since 1981, family-owned businesses and Fortune 500 corporations alike have trusted us with their accounting and consulting needs. And unlike most firms, we use a true partnership model, which means every client has access to our entire team of experts. A nationally-recognized firm, Atlanta-based Moore Colson has the experience and personal touch to shape your future and help your company grow. Learn more at MooreColson.com.
About Feeding Georgia:
Feeding Georgia is composed of seven regional Feeding America food banks and maximizes their impact by collaborating on strategic initiatives, advocating on their behalf and coordinating statewide efforts. Together, we are leading a statewide effort to end hunger in Georgia. Our member food banks work with more than 2,000 pantries distributing food throughout Georgia to 156,500 unique individuals each week, adding up to more than 130 million pounds each year. You can find your food bank at FeedingGeorgia.org.
For more information, please contact:
Brunella C. Reid
Director of Marketing