Moore Colson Named Top 15 Accounting Firm in Atlanta
July 23, 2020
Atlanta, Georgia
Moore Colson, an award-winning accounting, consulting, and advisory firm in Atlanta, has been ranked as a Top 15 Accounting Firm in Atlanta by the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s 2020 Book of Lists. Accounting firms are ranked by number of professionals in Atlanta, Georgia, and Moore Colson ranked as the 14th largest on Atlanta’s 2020 Top 25 Accounting Firms list.
The Atlanta Business Chronicle Book of Lists is published annually and provides an in-depth look at the largest and most influential businesses defining Atlanta’s economic landscape. Each list includes top companies in their fields, by ranking. Moore Colson has ranked as a top 25 accounting firm in Atlanta since 2002.
In February 2020, following the publication of the 2020 Book of Lists, the Atlanta Business Chronicle released the latest data on accounting firms, which also ranks Moore Colson as number seven on the Top 10 Fastest-growing Accounting Firms by Professionals list (available here to subscribers).
“We are fortunate to have a talented and committed group of partners and staff who are all working toward the same goal of serving our clients,” said Bert Mills, managing partner of Moore Colson. “We remain proud of our highly consultative focus that deeply enhances our client relationships, allowing us to better serve the community. This approach has enabled us to grow not only in firm size but also in expertise. We are grateful to be continually recognized as a leader in the accounting profession and especially excited to be recognized among the top firms in our hometown of Atlanta.”
About Moore Colson:
Moore Colson is the business advisor of choice for any company seeking thoughtful financial and strategic guidance. That’s why since 1981, family-owned businesses and Fortune 500 corporations alike have trusted us with their accounting and consulting needs. And unlike most firms, we use a true partnership model, which means every client has access to our entire team of experts. A nationally-recognized firm, Atlanta-based Moore Colson has the experience and personal touch to shape your future and help your company grow. Learn more at MooreColson.com.
For more information, please contact:
Brunella C. Reid
Director of Marketing