Chris Arnone
Partner & Vice Chair

Chris Arnone is a Partner and the firm’s Vice Chair. Chris advises the firm on strategic initiatives and works closely with the firm’s leaders to advance these initiatives. Chris continues to work closely with clients to develop strategic plans and create business solutions that help companies become more profitable and valuable.

Chris has extensive experience serving companies in the transportation, manufacturing, distribution, staffing, private equity and venture capital industries. Chris’s business expertise includes audit and accounting services, merger and acquisition due diligence and employee benefit plans. Before becoming the firm’s Vice Chair, Chris led Moore Colson’s Business Assurance Practice, which entailed coordinating assurance services, technical research and consultation for clients, maintaining and expanding client relationships, developing and implementing value-added ideas, and mentoring and training firm professionals.

Chris graduated from the University of Scranton in 1997. While there, he served as the co-captain of the men’s basketball team and received the University’s excellence in accounting award.


  • University of Scranton, Scranton Pennsylvania — Bachelor of Science, Accounting, 1997

Professional Affiliations

  • Association for Corporate Growth (ACG)
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants (GSCPA)
  • Georgia Motor Trucking Association (GMTA)
  • PrimeGlobal Audit Special Interest Group — Co-Chair
  • Magnolia Trust Company — Board of Directors, Audit Committee Chairman

Community Involvement

  • All Saints Catholic Church — Volunteer Coach
  • Dunwoody Lacrosse — Parent Volunteer